Upcoming webinar: Risk mitigation for bribery – what do companies need to know?

Wednesday 19 June 12pm UK Bribery and corruption are not new issues. But they remain impressively persistent in their ability to wreak havoc and cause trouble. Companies are losing hundreds of thousands of pounds to these schemes, not to mention reputational damage and legal action. In this webinar we will look at the different types […]

In $126m deal, Trafigura pled guilty to a decade of bribery 

The international commodities trading company resolved a long-standing bribery case with the US DOJ  Trafigura agreed to pay over $126 million to settle the US Department of Justice’s investigation into a case that involved employees and agents who wanted to secure business with Brazil’s state-owned and controlled oil company Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras).  Between 2003 and […]

SAP paid $235m after being charged with bribery

The global software giant agreed to a settlement with the US Department of Justice that is one of the largest of its kind SAP, the German-based company, was charged with bribing government officials around the world and agreed to pay over $235m in one of the largest bribery settlements. The company along with co-conspirators bribed […]

Steuerskandal Cum-Ex: Chefermittlerin tritt zurück

Anne Brorhilker, die leitende Staatsanwältin im deutschen Cum-Ex-Steuerbetrugsskandal, ist am 22. April 2024 von ihrer Position zurückgetreten. Ihre Beteiligung an der Aufklärung des Cum-Ex-Skandals reicht bis ins Jahr 2013 zurück. Mehr als 1700 Personen wurden bis dato angeklagt. Wer ist Anne Brorhilker? Anne Brorhilker ist eine renommierte Juristin, die als Oberstaatsanwältin bei der Staatsanwaltschaft Köln […]

Campus crisis: VinciWorks offer free upgrade to higher education as student protests continue

VinciWorks is giving away the Emergency Response package for all existing HE/FE clients It’s a difficult time for universities and colleges. Campuses around the world have found themselves turned into the centre of wildcat protests. International instability has thrust growing numbers of higher and further education institutions into crisis mode as administrators worry about the […]

Are passwords obsolete? Rethinking passwords on World Password Day

World Password Day  A recent cyber crime and security study showed that during the fourth quarter of 2023, data breaches exposed more than eight million records worldwide. Today is World Password Day, an annual event held on the first Thursday in May dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of strong password security practices, evolving […]

MEPs approve the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

The landmark regulation will require firms to mitigate their negative impact on human rights and the environment The European Parliament passed the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). This means that the new regulation passed all the EU legislative phases. It is expected to be signed into law by the EU Council this summer, with […]

EU defies FATF to keep UAE on money laundering grey list

In a stunning rebuttal to the global financial crime watchdog the FATF, the European Parliament voted on Tuesday 23 April to keep the United Arab Emirates on the EU’s list of High Risk Third Countries. This will complicate due diligence efforts for regulated entities who may no longer be able to rely solely on the […]

SRA AML decisions a warning to small and medium sized law firms

A trio of fines for money laundering breaches handed down by the SRA at the end of April 2024 have highlighted the dangers of non-compliance by smaller and medium sized law firms. The fines total over £45,000 and in each of the three cases, basic money laundering due diligence was not done, or the correct […]

Warum Datenschutzstrafen immer höher ausfallen

Die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO) wurde im Mai 2018 eingeführt und hat seitdem erhebliche Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und Organisationen in der gesamten Europäischen Union und darüber hinaus gehabt. Zuständig für die Durchsetzung der DSGVO sind Aufsichtsbehörden (oft auch Datenschutzbehörden genannt) innerhalb der einzelnen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten. Bei Nichteinhaltung der Regeln greifen diese hart durch. Gemäß der DSGVO beläuft sich […]