Upcoming webinar: Compliance in higher and further education – Best practice

Wednesday 29th May 12pm UK Compliance in higher and further education institutions is a complicated endeavour. From harassment to AI to plagiarism, ensuring you have the right training and policies in place has never been more important. In this free webinar from compliance experts VinciWorks, we will review the key things your HE/FE institution should […]

MPs to next government: Close anti-corruption loopholes

In a new manifesto, MPs outline their vision for UK anti-corruption laws. What does this mean for the future of bribery and corruption regulation? A cross-party group of MPs want the next government to ensure that the UK is no longer a haven for dirty money by enacting legislation that would tighten up current corporate […]

Medienunternehmen und künstliche Intelligenz: Kooperation oder Konfrontation?

Es ist schwierig vorherzusagen, wie genau die regulatorische Zukunft künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) aussehen wird, primär, da sich die KI-Technologie ständig weiterentwickelt. Zwei aktuelle Nachrichten verdeutlichen dabei die komplexe Beziehung, die Unternehmen zur KI haben, und den oft umständlichen Weg, den sie einschlagen müssen, um eine gewisse Kontrolle über eine weitreichend unregulierte Technologie zu erlangen.

Ex-MoD official gets 30 months in Saudi corruption case

Jeffrey Cook was found guilty of taking over £70K in kickbacks  Jeffrey Cook, a former Ministry of Defence (MoD) employee received 30 months in jail time after being convicted of misconduct in public office. Cook took over £70K in payments and gifts as kickbacks on a public contract that he arranged while he was an […]

Biometric crackdown by UK regulator puts focus on big data at work

Thousands of employees’ biometric data must be deleted, according to a new ruling by the Information Commissioner’s Office. Serco, one of the UK’s largest employers was told to stop using fingerprint scanners and facial recognition software for staff clocking on and off in a warning that could force many other employers to change their practices.

On-demand webinar: Emergency response at work – Planning for the unexpected

Workplaces should be safe environments, but unexpected emergencies do happen. Being prepared is vital to ensure your workplace is ready for whatever comes next. One vital way to prepare for the unexpected is to develop workplace emergency response plans. These scenario-driven best practices support organisations to deal with emergency situations in a safe and secure […]

Was bedeutet das EU-US-Datenschutzrahmenwerk für die Einhaltung der DSGVO?

Seit dem 17. Juli 2023 besteht zwischen der EU und den USA ein freier Fluss von personenbezogenen Daten von in der EU ansässigen Unternehmen an teilnehmende US-Unternehmen. Trotz anhaltender Kritik von Datenschutzaktivisten, die geschworen haben, diese Entscheidung aufzuheben, scheint die Genehmigung des DPF durch die EU-Kommission auf einer solideren rechtlichen Grundlage zu stehen. Die EU-Kommission […]

Die Welt im Wandel – künstliche Intelligenz damals und heute

Um zu sehen, wie die Zukunft aussehen kann, ist es oft hilfreich Geschichte zu studieren. Im Jahr 1955 definierte John McCarthy, der neben Alan Turing, Marvin Minsky, Allen Newell und Herbert A. Simon als einer der „Gründerväter“ der künstlichen Intelligenz gilt, KI als „die Wissenschaft und Technik der Herstellung intelligenter Maschinen.“ Über die Jahre näherte […]

Former Western Sydney Airport employee charged with allegedly soliciting a bribe

This charge is the first in an investigation initiated by the newly-launched National Anti-Corruption Commission A former employee of the Western Sydney Airport (WSA) has been charged with allegedly soliciting a bribe of $200k during the procurement process for a contract to provide services at the airport. The contract was worth an estimated $5 million.  […]