SRA tackles toxic workplace culture with their updated guidance

SRA Thematic Review In February 2022, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) published a Thematic Review, which included responses from over 200 solicitors. The SRA’s hypothesis was that “if employees are not adequately supported to manage mistakes or to manage client demands, they may be at risk of behaving unethically”.  The review helped the SRA identify […]

Five steps firms can take towards a more positive workplace culture

What is a positive workplace culture? A positive workplace culture is an environment where employees feel valued, respected, and supported. It is a culture where employees are motivated to do their best work, feel a sense of belonging, and have a clear understanding of the organisation’s mission, values, and goals. Positive workplace culture also includes […]

Economic Crime and Transparency Bill removes SRA statutory fining limit

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) is the regulatory body for solicitors in England and Wales. It is responsible for setting and enforcing standards for the legal profession, and has the power to fine solicitors or firms who fail to meet these standards. Recently, the SRA has announced that it will be increasing its fines for […]

New US legislation could require forced labour audits

Modern countries are fighting forced labour and human trafficking with legislation that makes it harder to use forced labour in their supply chains and profit from it. Modern slavery acts in the United Kingdom, United States, and other countries around the world are requiring large companies to disclose information regarding their efforts to eradicate human […]

Conflicts of interest reporting: best practice guidelines

Conflicts of interest in the workplace can be difficult to pin down, and can cause significant confusion in terms of knowing what to report, when and how. We recommend taking these key steps in order to form comprehensive conflicts of interest reporting system.

What we learnt from our ESG survey

What is ESG? The acronym stands for Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance, and refers to three central factors in measuring the sustainability and societal impact of a company or business.  Global businesses are no longer working on environmental, social and governance issues in a silo. They are bringing them together under the banner of ESG […]

SRA to update standards and regulations (STaRs): What you need to know

SRA Standards and Regulations (StaRS)  The SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) is the independent regulatory body of solicitors and law firms in England and Wales. In November 2019, SRA introduced new Standards and Regulations, which replaced the previous SRA Handbook. These new regulations aim to simplify and modernise the regulatory framework for solicitors and law firms, […]

Download your customisable religious festival template for Hanukkah

In collaboration with our Diversity and Inclusion training partners Skill Boosters, VinciWorks have produced a downloadable, customiseable template to help your workplace celebrate Hanukkah. This one page guide can be posted on a team chat like Slack or sent out by email. It explains what Hanukkah is, how it is celebrated, and encourages participation with […]

Freezing weather in the UK | When is it too cold to work?

Related Courses Snow and ice have caused huge disruptions recently as the UK has experienced its coldest weather spell in over a decade. With the Met Office issuing a yellow weather warning for most parts of the UK, the cold weather looks set to stay for a while longer. Safe working conditions are vital in […]

FCA Consumer Duty – What you need to know

What the new consumer duty means for the regulated sector The UK’s financial regulator, the FCA, have confirmed its plans to introduce a new Consumer Duty, with the requirements in force from 31 July 2023. This new Consumer Duty will have a significant impact on the entire regulated sector.  The Consumer Duty forms part of […]