How do firms protect themselves in today’s regulatory environment?
Straight talk on aligning regulatory priorities from panellists at the Law Society’s Risk and Compliance Annual Conference Many law firms’ regulatory priorities are determined by outside forces, such as regulators or guidance. But, as Richard Farquhar, financial crime and risk manager for Ashurst, noted, firms can’t just focus on that. They need to look at […]
The Law Society to UK government: Limit SRA fining powers
At its Risk and Compliance Annual Conference, Law Society president expresses concerns The Law Society’s Risk and Compliance Annual Conference 2024, started off with a bang. Nick Emmerson, president of The Law Society, noted that, along with increasing compliance obligations on law firms were increasing fining powers by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). Emmerson was […]
Sieben Mythen rund um künstliche Intelligenz

Künstliche Intelligenz ist ein spannendes und vielfältiges Gebiet, das immer mehr Anwendungsbereiche in unserem Alltag und in der Wirtschaft eröffnet. Doch es gibt auch viele Missverständnisse und Fehlannahmen über KI, die zu Verwirrung oder Misstrauen führen können. In diesem Text werden sieben Mythen entlarvt und erklärt, warum sie falsch sind.
Does my company really need an AI policy?
Yes, it’s more important than ever. Here’s how to get started No one really knows how to deal with AI yet. But as the use of AI technologies works its way deeper into our business practices and as AI slowly enters the legislative arena, we’re looking at, AI Act, it’s critical to have a policy […]
What is the future of AI regulation in the UK?

While the European Union forges ahead with proposals to strictly regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence, the UK has opted for a more ‘wait-and-see’ approach. But that looks set to change after the next election – which must be held before January 2025.

Die Datenschutzgrundverordnung (DSGVO) bringt eine Menge Fachjargon mit sich. VinciWorks hat deshalb dieses Glossar für Sie erstellt, das die wichtigsten Begriffe erklärt.
Preparing for Tranche-2: Lessons for Australian lawyers and accountants in AML compliance
Understanding anti-money laundering for Australian regulated entities Australia has been an outlier in AML for some time. Many accountants, lawyers and real estate agents who would be captured by AML requirements in Europe or the UK have been exempted from these requirements which are commonplace in other parts of the world. New Zealand has been […]
Updated AML & PEP Training: Reflecting the New Landscape

Following the introduction of new Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations in January 2024, we’re pleased to announce our suite of Compliance training courses including anti-money laundering, due diligence, and politically exposed persons (PEPs) has been fully updated to reflect these crucial changes.
Künstliche Intelligenz und Diskriminierung – Was Sie wissen sollten

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) hat immer mehr Einfluss auf unser Leben. Sie kann uns helfen, komplexe Probleme zu lösen, effizienter zu arbeiten und neue Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Aber KI kann auch zu Diskriminierungen führen, wenn sie nicht fair und verantwortungsvoll eingesetzt wird.
Looming Regulations, Limited Knowledge: Only 2% of Large Businesses Aware of EU AI Act, Says VinciWorks Survey
Our new survey reveals a crack in business preparedness for the upcoming EU Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. The survey exposes alarmingly low awareness among larger organisations, with only 2% of large companies reporting a full understanding of the Act. While the EU AI Act is not yet formally passed (expected to come into force in […]