New Course Release – Mental Health Knowledge Check

The estimated cost of mental ill-health to UK employers each year is between £33 billion and £42 billion, totalling around 91 million lost working days. Two-thirds of UK CEOs considered the mental health of their employees as a priority, but only 16% had a defined strategy in place to help them. VinciWorks has released a […]

Integrate your health and safety training with our centralised reporting tool

How do you make online health and safety training an experience that actually makes a difference in real time? How can you easily gather data on your staff’s workstation as well as physical and mental health, especially if they are working from home? As part of our health and safety course, which has been adapted for […]

New course release – Health and Safety: Working at Home

VinciWorks’ new course, Health and Safety: Working at Home, is specifically designed for people who need to know about health and safety while working from home. The course delivers short, interactive health and safety training units which are designed to make sure staff are conscious of safety concerns while they are working from home. Based […]

New course release – Health and Safety for Office Workers

“The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires all businesses in the UK to provide whatever information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of employees.” Despite the legal requirement, health and safety training has a bad reputation. Most […]