Code of conduct training: 6 ways to tailor your code of conduct course

Code of Conduct: The Challenge A strong code of conduct is vital for employees to know what is expected of them. A successful code of conduct that is followed by all employees, from leadership to management to each and every worker is an important part of building an ethical, inclusive culture at work. But an […]

RMS Update: Dashboard is now filterable

The dashboard of the Risk Management System is the nerve center of the risk management process. It provides an overview of an organisation’s risk profile, important alerts, top risks and the latest risk news. This risk epicenter is now even more powerful with the addition of filters for categories and org units. This granular view […]

New course – Cyber Security: Practical Applications

Appropriate for all staff, the course challenges learners to reassess their attitudes towards cyber security. It educates users on the sophistication of modern hackers and drives users to adopt safer cyber behaviours. The course is designed as a 25 minute journey through a series of short interactive apps. Each app tackles a different topic and […]