What are the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992?

Related Courses Display screen equipment (DSE) is equipment and devices with an alphanumeric or graphic display screen. This includes PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones as well as less typical equipment such as microfiche readers. The legislation governing its use includes the Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992 as well as the updated Display Screen Equipment Regulations […]

The Benefits and Dangers of Using Dual Screens

Related Courses The term dual screen means that there are two monitors connected to a single computer at the same time. The use of dual screens is increasing in prevalence across organisations in all sectors. However, certain types of workers (e.g. designers) reap more benefits than others. Increased productivity and ease of data comparison are […]

Display Screen Equipment Training

Display screen equipment (DSE) is any equipment or device that has an alphanumeric or graphic display screen. This includes PCs, laptops, smartphones and tablets. Over the past few decades DSE use has become increasingly commonplace in business and is now deeply relied upon. However, this regular DSE usage brings the risk of a number of […]